Commercial Shellfish Management Crab Stock Assessment Support NRC participates in the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC), working closely with crab researchers and managers as part of the Crab Plan Team (CPT) on behalf of the Bering Sea Fisheries...
Bycatch Research NRC scientists produced the first comprehensive study to quantify bycatch and discards on a global scale leading to an important and well-known FAO publication – “A global assessment of fisheries and bycatch discards.” This effort...
Commercial Shellfish Management Geoduck Survey NRC manages large-scale geoduck survey work for tribal agencies. Geoduck are an important economic and cultural resource for the region. Responsible management of the species and habitats helps to maintain a healthy,...
Sustainable Fishery Certifications NRC was instrumental in the initial development of sustainable fishery guidelines used by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) to evaluate fisheries management. NRC recognizes the importance of certified sustainability to seafood...